Sometimes one just needs a bit of inspiration or motivation to get the day going. Such inspiration can come from anywhere, colleagues, parents, friends or even strangers! That is why those who can inspire or motivate people are always looked in good esteem in every walk of life. These people when they share their wisdom with common folk are celebrated as spiritual master. Due to paucity of times and busy life it is not possible for everybody to be in the physical presence of such masters. Therefore here in this book are culled some of the best inspirational quotes which are full of wit, humour and motivation from various sources. The quotations have been arranged here thematically representing a broad spectrum of spiritual traditions of West. They range from Jesus to John Milton, Archemidies to Einstein, Wordsworth to Al-Ghazali, Alexander to Napoleon. The wise words of these masters of their field have trickled down through ages propagating truth and knowledge. These quotes can serve as medicine if they are encountred repeatedly. They can help one feel good about oneself and life in general. A good quote can be worth thousand words if conveyed logically and according the context. “This book is as much as encouraging and optimistic as life itself.”