Although difficult to comprehend in the first reading, both to the people in the east and west trained in the modern methods of learning, this book leaves an undeliable marks and impressions that linger and recycle in the mind suggesting that there is something unique and novel that needs to be pursued. The book lays down an alternative original framework and template for enquiry of human mind. The framework is generic based on the Sankhya philosophy and school of thought. It elaborates on the fundamental notions such as (Prakriti, Mahat, Ahankar, Rita and Satya, Bramha and Prajapatis, the universe creation, sphota, tanmatras, panch mahabhutas, purush, yagna, kala, pralaya etc) and endeavours sometimes unnecessarily labours to link them to what we butk now in modern physics. In its own right, the framework is sufficiently exciting to be pursued to eventful conclusion. The framework is far more than encompassing the physics alone. Modern physics, as we understand, deals with matter, at all locations, and in all its aspects including its state, composition, characterization, properties such as magnetic, electric etc, energy states levels and forms, evolution and transformation, motion and dynamics interactions and force fields and so on so forth. The basic settings, as assumed and occasionally verified, allow to sometimes build exacting relationships between cause and effect, while for some others the relationships are at best approximate and for yet others the situations could even be paradoxical. Conventional approach understands this as events occur at all possible length and time scales and according as their importance contributes to the net outcome. Integrating the chain of such events together spanning a range of scales as wide as 10-12 to 1012 has always been a problem. The curse of dimensionality and presence of nonlinearity may as well be the creation of our own basic premises and perception. The question is: Can the alternative approach propounded here pave the way? If so-how does one quantify the causal relation and predictability? Shri. K. D. Verma, the author, has laid down the foundations using an unobstructing and free flowing language. I am sure this will excite the nascent minds to take it further. The type set is free of trivial errors and the book-even, if not understood clearly by all uninitiated person like me, is certainly a pleasure to read. It compels one to continue to think. – Dr. B D Kulkarni, Director, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune.