About the Book
The present book ‘Facets of Puranic Wisdom’ is a compendium of about 30 research articles on the Puranas by Prof. Pushpendra Kumar. Articles in English section are about twenty and in Hindi section are about eleven. In English Part, there are four sections. The vedic Impact, the social and Political ideas. The Philosophical ideas and Saktism in the Puranas, The Puranas .are very important sources for ancient Indian religions, society, culture and history. The articles reveal philosophy of India, different aspects of Ancient Indian Society and the lores of India. It is like the churning of Puranic ocean to find out the valuable gems for the welfare of the society. We are very sure that the book will really be helpful for the deeper under standing of the Puranic wisdom and encourage the scholars to do further researches in the field.
About the Author
Prof. Pushpendra Kumar has retired from the University of Delhi-Sanskrit Deptt. after serving it for more than forty years. He served this Deptt. as lecturer, Reader and Professor and Head of the Deptt. More than 25 books are highlighting his acadmic merit. He has written more than -seventy research articles. He has travelled widely in the European Universities for higher studies and lectures. Besides many honours and awards. He has been honoured by the ‘Certificate of Honour’ by the President of India in the year 2000 for his meritorious service for Sanskrit and for his scholar-ship. He specializes in the Puranas, Tantras, Buddhism, Indian Art, Epigraphy, Sanskrit Literature and Aesthetics. He is presently working on a major project ‘Cultural Heritage from the Puranas’ in ten Volumes. During the year 2004 four books have been published.