After going through this work of Dr. Kamboj one
forms the impression that the author has
produced a well documented study of semantic
change of Sanskrit which was not an easy task
dealing as he was with one of the most ancient
languages of the world that, in spite of all assiduous efforts to
ensure the purity, has not remained unaffected both in vocabulary
and in meaning. He has first taken up the causes of semantic
change and then gone on to trace its directions. Lastly he has dived
deep into Sanskrit vocabulary and pointed out semantic changes.
He has produced a mass of material for scholars to ruminate over.
The nature of his study being what it is, he had to scan and peruse
a vast number of Sanskrit works which he has done with utmost
scientific precision and with untiring diligence. The world of
scholars will ever remain beholden to him for the very fine study
carried out on a subject of vital interest.