About the Book
Spiritual seekers are found the world over – in temples, in pilgrimages, in rivers and in mountains. From Kailash to Kanyakumari, they are everywhere, but what is difficult to find nowadays is a genuine spiritual guide. Gone are the days of the pure Siddha Gurus and their holy Guru Parampara (lineage). The sacred Guru-Shishya Parampara is much rarer today. Nowadays, there are many fake Gurus, who claim to show you the path, but who are driven by personal motives including a desire for money and fame. Some spiritual leaders have created cults for themselves and make you believe that only their particular approach or path will lead you to Moksha. Against this backdrop, it is essential to cultivate Viveka (the ability to distinguish the good from bad) and adopt the good to grow spiritually. A spiritual path is not an easy place to walk alone – a single mistake can make you fall back down the ladder or into the snake’s mouth, just like in the game ‘Snakes and ladders’. It is hard to roll the dice and get safely to your true home (your Supreme Self) without some form of assistance. The more we walk this path, the more we realize that the assistance we need comes from within us – only we were unable to recognise it.